Welcome to Ashlotrimcare LTD

About Us

A Few Words

Our Story

With our highly trained, dedicated and compassionate staff we provide the pinnacle of care and support across our supported and community services. We render specialised round the clock semi-independent supported living and supportive environment for residents aged 18 years and above within Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire area. Our rendered service is piloted by our service users, hence we offer a tailored individual person centred service. Our highly trained and enthusiastic team renders high standard support and provide a serene environment. From the get go our service users would have adequate information of support package through our developed therapeutic relationship. We work in partnership with other allied healthcare profession such as; housing, education, vocational trainings, social and healthcare professionals for the provision of the best care. We aim to give a satisfactorily, real, positive difference which is in-line with laid out government policies to our service users for them to experience a fulfilled life.
Our Referral Process:

Our referral process is easy with our team readily available to make the process easy and smooth. We prioritise meeting the needs of our new referral and that of our already referred young ones in the provision of care in our placement to provide the most suitable and appropriate support. Our referral team aims to respond to every referral and enquiry within 24 hours.

Our Values

1. Required support
Our referral team will create a meeting to find out the required need and preferences for you.

2. Formation of your needs
Through collaborative work with you, we would develop a person-centred support approach to form the most effective and efficient support plan and the right staffing for your need.

3. Your service management
We are obligated to manage and provide the highest standard of support tailored to meet your need for as long as required.

A Few Words

Our Values

Prioritising People
Prioritising people is the main purpose of rendering care. We recognise the need to care and support people. Support differs from person-person, hence we developed a person-centred care approach to achieve the desired support for everyone. We believe finding the inspiration which encourages and empowers people will propel them towards independence and self-worth.
Providing Support
Trust, empathy, respect, compassion and experience is vital in the provision of quality support. We are posed in developing and maintaining a therapeutic relationship with our service users and their family. Collaborative working between our service users, family and us aid us in delivering quality service.
Excellence and Integrity
We pride ourselves on our transparent methodology of providing support. . Transparency is our watchword as we follow all laid out organisational policy and procedure, quality assurance standards and government legislation in providing support. We have great faith in the potential of individuals so we constantly and continuously look for ways to aid the development of individual potential through our occupational therapist team. The creativity of our team in exploring the best way to work with residents.
Equality, Diversity and Rights
We aim to create a respect and value culture which promotes dignity, equality and diversity which is in line with the government equality act 2010 legislation. Our services recognise the individual strength of our service users from different religions, cultures, ethnicity, gender, age and sexual orientations; so as to meet the required support of our service users.
Great Staff

More About us

For us to achieve the highest quality care we employ the following;

  • Provide a safe environment where young people can reflect on their experiences, stabilize their behaviour, regain control and find coping mechanisms.
  • Promote the independence of young people at all times and encourage them to care for themselves by offering a high level of emotional support and practical help in health and educational/employment issues, cooking, budgeting and household tasks.
  • When appropriate, offer specialized support and counselling from experienced staff who will encourage and enable young people to achieve and move into independent living. External resources will be made available to young people as deemed necessary by their individual pathway plans.
  • Provide the maximum opportunity for each young person to mature as an individual, to develop their personal identity and accept responsibility for their own actions.
  • Provide a supportive environment for young people in which, with guidance, they can assess themselves realistically and determine their own options.
  • Preserve and support the young person’s links with their own community by working in partnership with the young people, their parents, other carers and those with parental responsibility.
  • Involve young people in decision making.
  • Ensure that all staff receive ongoing training, support and guidance to enable them to support the young people to the best of their ability.
  • Ensure non-discriminatory practices in accordance with our Equal Opportunities